Upper Church: The Francis frescoes

The scenes here are in Chronological order. Some of the descriptions of the scenes are a little obscure; I will provide more detail when looking at the images in their bays. 

1. Francis is honoured by a simple man. 2. Francis gives his cloak to a poor man. 3. The vision of the Palace filled with arms in Spoleto. 

4 Saint Francis prays before the crucifix in San Damiano. 5. Francis renounces worldly goods. 6. The dream of Pope Innocent III.

7. Pope Innocent III approves the Franciscan rule. 8. The vision of the chariot of fire to the Friars at Rivotorto. 
9.The vision of the heavenly thrones. 

10. Casting out the Devils at Arezzo. 11. Trial by fire before the Sultan.  12. The Ecstasy of Francis.

13. Nativity scene at Greccio.                                                                            14. The miracle of the spring.

15. Preaching to the birds.                                                                            16. The death of the knight of Celano.

17. Francis preaches before Pope Honorius III   18. Francis appears  to the brothers and Anthony at Arles.
19. Francis receives the stigmata on Monte La Verna.

20. The death and ascension of Francis.   21. The apparition of Francis to Fra Agostino and to Bishop Guido of Arezzo.    
22. The confirmation of the stigmata.

23. The mourning of the Poor Clares  24. The canonisation of St Francis.  25. The appearance of Francis to Pope Gregory IX.

26. The immediate healing of John of Lerida in Catalonia. 27. The confession of the woman brought back to life. 
28. St. Francis frees Peter of  Alife.

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