Upper Church: The Francis frescoes |
1. Francis is honoured by a simple man. 2. Francis gives his cloak to a poor man. 3. The vision of the Palace filled with arms in Spoleto. |
4 Saint Francis prays before the crucifix in San Damiano. 5. Francis renounces worldly goods. 6. The dream of Pope Innocent III. | |
7. Pope Innocent III approves
the Franciscan rule. 8. The vision of the chariot of fire to the Friars
at Rivotorto. |
10. Casting out the Devils at Arezzo. 11. Trial by fire before the Sultan. 12. The Ecstasy of Francis. |
13. Nativity scene at Greccio. 14. The miracle of the spring. |
15. Preaching to the birds. 16. The death of the knight of Celano. |
17. Francis preaches before Pope
Honorius III 18. Francis appears to the brothers and
Anthony at Arles. |
20. The death and ascension of
Francis. 21. The apparition of Francis to Fra Agostino and
to Bishop Guido of Arezzo. |
23. The mourning of the Poor Clares 24. The canonisation of St Francis. 25. The appearance of Francis to Pope Gregory IX. |
26. The immediate healing of
John of Lerida in Catalonia. 27. The confession of the woman brought
back to life. |